






【花王グループ採用ホームページ「マイページ」 会員利用規約】

(1) 「会員」とは、専門学校、短期大学、4年制・6年制大学、大学院(以下「大学等」といいます)に在籍し、現在就職活動中の方で、本サイトより当グループの従業員採用選考に応募する個人の方をいいます。
1.    会員は、本サイトの利用に関して、以下の行為をしてはなりません。
(1)    本規約に違反する行為
(2)    虚偽の内容に基づいて利用登録、応募を行う行為
(3)    当グループが提供した情報を応募目的以外に使用する行為
(4)    第三者が会員になりすまし、本サイトを利用し応募する行為
(5)    当グループや他の会員あるいは第三者の著作権、商標権その他知的財産権、または名誉、プライバシー、財産など法的保護を受ける権利・利益を侵害する行為
(6)    犯罪に結びつく行為、公序良俗に反する行為、その他法に違反する行為、及びこれらの恐れのある行為
(7)    コンピュータウィルス等有害なプログラムを本サイトに使用したり、他者に感染させる行為
(8)    本サイトあるいは本サイトを通じて得た情報を自己の営業のために利用する行為
(9)    会員が自らまたは第三者をして、いかなる方法を問わず、本サイトについて、複写、複製、転載、引用、配信(ネットワークに接続されたサーバへのアップロードを含む)、編集、翻案、改変、改竄、翻訳等をする行為
(10)    会員が自らまたは第三者をして、本サイトと同一または類似のものを作成する行為
(11)    会員が自らまたは第三者をして、本サイトに関する出版物等を発行する行為
(12)    本サイトの運営を妨げる行為、またはその恐れのある行為
(13)    前各号に定める行為をするように唆したり、助けたりする行為
(14)    その他、当グループが不適切であると判断する行為
2.    当グループは、会員が本規約に違反したと判断した場合、会員への事前の通知なしに直ちに会員の本サイトの利用登録を失効させることができるものとします。
3.    会員が本規約に違反したことにより当グループまたは第三者に損害を与えた場合、

1.    当グループは、本サイトの完全性、完璧性、無謬性等を保証するものではありません。
2.    下記の事由に起因して会員に損害が生じたとしても、当グループは一切責任を負いません。
(1)    会員ID及びパスワードの使用上の過誤または管理不備
(2)    応募情報の誤謬、不備
(3)    その他会員の責に帰すべき事由
(4)    通信の不通・不良(原因の如何を問いません)、停電(法定点検による停電も含みます)
(5)    地震、火災、天災地変、その他不可抗力
(6)    通常求められるセキュリティを超えた不法侵入、攻撃、ウイルス感染
(7)    その他前各号に準じる事由
3.    当グループの免責部分を除いた部分で、万一会員が本サイトの利用によって損害を被った場合、その原因が当グループの故意または重大な過失に基づくときに限り、当グループはその損害を賠償します。但し、賠償対象となる損害は直接かつ通常損害に限られ、いかなる場合も、特別損害、間接損害、逸失利益、機会損失は賠償の対象となりません。
4.    当グループは、会員に対する事前の通知を行うことなく本サイトの内容の変更・追加等を行うことができるものとします。この場合、当グループは必要に応じ、当該変更・追加等の内容を本サイト上にて告知するものとします。
1.    当グループは、会員が提供した個人情報を適切に管理するものとし、正当な理由なく本条の目的以外に利用しないものとします。個人情報への不当アクセスまたは個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん、漏洩などの危険に対抗するために必要かつ適切な安全対策を継続的に講じるよう最大限の注意・努力を払います。
2.    当グループは、会員が提供した個人情報を次の各号の目的に利用します。
(1)    採用情報PR
(2)    採用選考(合否連絡を含む)
(3)    内定者管理(入社準備及び勤務地への転居の手配等を含む)
(4)    内定者の個人情報について、入社後の社員管理
(5)    花王株式会社とそのグループ会社への応募情報の提供
(6)    花王株式会社とそのグループ会社の採用情報の提供
(7)    花王株式会社とそのグループ会社の採用活動全般における改善のためのアンケート等の実施
3.    当グループは、会員が提供した個人情報を、2.の目的のための業務委託に必要な範囲内で委託先に提供する場合を除き、会員の承諾なしに第三者に提供することはありません。但し、当グループは、本サイトの提供にかかる業務を第三者に委託し、当該委託に際して必要な範囲内で応募情報を委託先に開示・預託することがあります。
4.    共同利用について会員が提供した個人情報は、以下のとおり共同で利用いたします。
(1)    共同利用の対象となる個人データの項目
(2)    共同利用者の範囲
(3)    共同利用者の利用目的
(4)    共同利用される個人データの管理について責任を有する者
5.    個人情報についてのお問合せ・開示・訂正・苦情・ご相談は、以下のホームページに記載された方法によるものとします。


6.    会員が個人情報を提供することは、会員の任意です。但し、十分な情報の提供がない場合は、本サイトの利用ができない場合や、採用応募プロセスに進むことができない場合があります。
7.    当グループは、個人が識別・特定できないように個人情報を統計処理した上で、分析の資料として利用することができるものとします。
8.    会員は、自身の会員情報を当グループが定める方法により閲覧でき、必要な場合は随時変更することができます。

[Kao Group Recruitment Website "My Page" Terms of Use for Members]

Article 1.    Purpose
These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") provide for the matters to be complied with by Members when Members use "My Page" (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), which is a website provided by the Kao Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Group") for the Group's employment screening, as well as the method of use, conditions of use, and other matters.
*The "Group" in the Terms refers to Kao Corporation and Kao Group Customer Marketing Co., Ltd.

Article 2.    Definitions
The terms used herein shall be defined as follows:
(1)    A "Member" means an individual seeking employment who is enrolled in a vocational school, junior college, four-year or six-year university, or graduate school (hereinafter referred to as "Higher Education Institutions") and has applied for the Group's employment screening using the Website; provided, however, that an individual who has already graduated from a Higher Education Institution may be allowed to apply for the Group's employment screening at the discretion of the Group.
(2)    "Personal Information" means information on a Member that contains the name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, name of the school, date of birth or other information that can identify that Member (including information that cannot independently identify the Member but can identify the Member when it is combined with other information).

Article 3.    Compliance with the Terms
1.    Members shall read and understand the Terms, and consent to all the provisions thereof before using the Website. Members shall also comply with the Terms.
2.    When a Member has used the Website, the Member shall be deemed to have read, understood and consented to all the provisions of the Terms and have agreed to comply with the Terms.
3.    The Group may determine conditions of use of the Website that are not provided for in the Terms in its sole discretion on each occasion. Any other conditions, rules, matters and the like that are separately determined by the Group to be complied with by the Members to use the Website shall have the same effectiveness and validity as the Terms and shall be treated in the same manner as the Terms.
4.    If the Website contains any provision that conflicts with the Terms or are not provided for in the Terms, the provision contained on the Website shall prevail.
5.    The Group may amend the Terms if such amendment conforms to the general interest of the Members and/or when such amendment is reasonable. In this case, the Group shall determine the effective date of amendment in advance and announce the amended Terms on the Website.

Article 4.    Conditions of Use of the Website
1.    The Website may be used free of charge; provided, however, that the internet connection fees and other fees necessary for the use of the Website shall be borne by Members.
2.    For the use of the Website, Members are required to provide the Group with their Personal Information and other information designated by the Group.

Article 5.    User Registration on the Website and Acquisition of ID
1.    The use of the Website requires user registration. Members shall perform registration procedures using the registration method designated by the Group. The Group shall issue a member ID that is necessary for the use of the Website to each registered Member and send the member ID to the e-mail address registered by the registered Member.
2.    Members may use the Website using their member ID and a password they have registered.
3.    Members shall use and manage their member ID and password with the due care of a prudent manager and shall not disclose them to a third party or permit a third party to use them.

Article 6.    Availability Period of the Website
The Website is available for access by the Members from March 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 (planned). Upon the expiration of the period, the access and use of the Website by Members shall be terminated.

Article 7.    Prohibited Matters
1.    Members shall not perform the following acts in connection with the use of the Website:
(1)    Performing an act that breaches the Terms;
(2)    Performing user registration or filing an application based on false information;
(3)    Using any information provided by the Group for any purpose other than application for a job on offer by the Group;
(4)    Allowing a third party to pretend to be a Member and to use the Website and file an application;
(5)    Performing an act that infringes the copyrights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights, or honor, privacy, property, and other legally protected rights and interests of the Group, other Members or third parties;
(6)    Performing an act that induces or is likely to induce a crime, act that is or is likely to be against public order and morality, or act that violates or is likely to violate laws;
(7)    Using computer viruses or other harmful programs on the Website or infecting other persons with computer viruses or other harmful programs;
(8)    Using the information acquired from or through the Website for the purpose of Members' own business;
(9)    Performing or having a third party perform, by any means, copying, reproduction, reprinting, quotation, distribution (including uploading to a server connected to a network), editing, adaptation, alteration, falsification, translation or the like with regard to the Website;
(10)    Creating or having a third party create a website that is the same as or similar to the Website;
(11)    Publishing or having a third party publish materials related to the Website;
(12)    Performing an act that obstructs or is likely to obstruct the operation of the Website;
(13)    Inducing or facilitating any of the acts provided for in the preceding items; and
(14)    Performing any act that the Group deems inappropriate.
2.    When the Group judges that a Member is in breach of the Terms, the Group may immediately invalidate the Member's user registration on the Website without giving prior notice to the Member.
The Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Member due to the invalidation of user registration.
3.    If the Group or a third party suffers any loss or damage due to a breach of the Terms by a Member, the Member shall be obliged to pay damages for all direct and indirect losses and damage.

Article 8.    Cancellation of Registration by Members
Members may cancel their registration on the Website at any time in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Group.

Article 9.    Settlement of Disputes Arising to Members
If a Member has any dispute with other Members or a third party in connection with the use of the Website, the Member shall deal with and settle the dispute at the Member's own responsibility and expense and hold the Group harmless.

Article 10.    Provision of the Website and Limitations
1.    The Group does not guarantee the completeness, perfectness, infallibility, and the like of the Website. User registration does not guarantee employment.
2.    The Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by Members due to the following matters:
(1)    Errors in using member IDs and passwords or unsatisfactory management of member IDs and passwords;
(2)    Errors and omissions in application information;
(3)    Other matters attributable to Members;
(4)    Communications failure or poor communications (for any reason) or electrical power outage (including electrical power outage due to legal inspection);
(5)    Earthquakes, fire, disasters, and other force majeure events;
(6)    Unlawful intrusion, attacks, or virus infection that cannot be prevented by the security measures usually required; and
(7)    Other events equivalent to the preceding items.
3.    Except for cases where the Group is relieved from liability, if a Member suffers any loss or damage due to the use of the Website, the Group shall pay damages for such loss or damage only when it is caused by an intentional act or gross negligence of the Group; provided, however, that damages shall be paid only for direct and ordinary damage and shall not be paid for any special damage, indirect damage, lost profits, or opportunity loss.
4.    The Group may make an amendment, addition, or other changes to the content of the Website without giving prior notice to Members. In this case, the Group shall announce the content of the amendment, addition, or change.

Article 11.    Handling of Personal Information
1.    The Group shall appropriately manage Personal Information provided by Members and shall not use it for any purpose other than the purpose detailed in this Article without justifiable reason. The Group shall pay the utmost attention and make its best effort to continuously take necessary and appropriate security measures against the risks of unauthorized access to Personal Information, or loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of Personal Information.
2.    The Group uses Personal Information provided by Members for the following purposes:
(1)    Promotional activities for recruitment information;
(2)    Employment screening (including notification of the result)
(3)    Management of applicants who have received job offers (including preparation for joining the Group and the arrangement of relocation to the place of work);
(4)    Employee management after applicants join the Group with regard to their Personal Information;
(5)    Provision of information on the filing of applications to Kao Corporation and its group companies;
(6)    Provision of information on recruitment by Kao Corporation and its group companies; and
(7)    Implementation of surveys or the like to improve the general recruitment activities of Kao Corporation and its group companies.
3.    The Group shall not provide Personal Information provided by Members to any third party without the consent of Members unless such information is provided to outsourcing providers to the extent necessary to outsource services for the purposes listed in paragraph 2 of Article 11 above.  Furthermore, the Group may also outsource services related to the provision of the Website to a third party and disclose or deposit the application information to such third party to the extent necessary for the outsourcing.
4.    With respect to joint use, Personal Information provided by Members shall be used jointly as follows:
(1)    Personal data to be used jointly
Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, educational background including name of the Higher Education Institution, date of birth, photo data, other information necessary for recruitment activities, etc.
(2)    Scope of joint users
Kao Corporation and its group companies
(3)    Purpose of use by joint users
As stated in paragraph 2 of Article 11,above.
(4)    Entity responsible for the management of personal data to be used jointly
Kao Corporation
5.    Inquiries, disclosure requests, correction requests, complaints, and consultation requests about Personal Information shall be made by the method specified on the following website:

Kao Corporation
Kao Group Customer Marketing Co., Ltd.

6.    The provision of Personal Information by Members shall be voluntary; provided, however, that if sufficient information is not provided, Members may be unable to use the Website or proceed to the employment application process.
7.    The Group may use Personal Information as analysis materials after statistically processing Personal Information to make it unable to identify an individual.
8.    Members may view their member information by the method prescribed by the Group and amend it as needed.

Article 12.    Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction
The execution, effect, performance, and interpretation of the Terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance over all disputes arising in connection with the Terms and the use of the Website.

<Supplementary Provisions>
The Terms shall come into force on March 1, 2024.

Kao Corporation
Kao Group Customer Marketing Co., Ltd

































2025年度 新卒採用 終了いたしました。
